Eucalyptus citriodora production and extraction
Eucalyptus citriodora belongs to the Myrtaceae family and as a gum tree can grow to a great height (up to 50 metres). Despite this, our farmers keep the tree relatively low and “shrub-like” to ensure the trees remain ‘leafy’ and easy to harvest.
A healthy Eucalyptus citriodora will provide multiple harvests a year. Once the tree is cut or ‘coppiced’ it regrows quickly and leaves are best harvested when they are fresh. Much like tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), Eucalytpus citriodora is a very hardy tree that can withstand fire, flood and drought.
Fairoils processes Eucalyptus citriodora twice a year at its facilities on-site to ensure the leaves are distilled as close to harvest as possible. This aids logistics for our farmers too.
Being a eucalypt, Eucalyptus citriodora has antibacterial and antifungal properties which make it useful for specific functional use in the correct quantities. Eucalyptus citriodora’s largest chemical component is Citronellal, an aldehyde (known for their strong aroma), which contributes to its potent but very pleasant, sweet lemon aroma.