Quality assurance

Cananga odorata

The purity and quality of our oils is proven to be world-class.

Our team is dedicated to detail. From the care we take in sorting and storing produce, through to the cleanliness of our processing facilities, we implement strict quality assurance to meet industry best practice.

Independent testing shows that our oils consistently exceed high quality standards. 

Pure and natural oils.

Each of our oils is documented in detail.

We provide our clients with detailed quality documentation for each oil. These specifications confirm the chemical profile of the oil, ensuring they behave predictably in production.

Our safety data confirms that the oils are fit for purpose and without contamination.

Fairoils supplies all the relevant technical and quality documents on request. For example:

Quality assured, always.

We test our oil rigorously and our quality is independently verified.

In our laboratories, we use a gas chromatography machine to separate, identify and quantify the components of each oil. Our analysis is measured against recognised industry standards for quality. Our oil profiles consistently demonstrate the highest quality ‘true’ aroma.

We also send samples to specialised laboratories in Belgium for sophisticated testing, independently verifying the composition of the oil.

We supply the following documentation:

Gas Chromatograph Trace (EO)

Fatty Acid Profile (VO)

Refractive Index (EO)

Free Fatty Acid (VO)

Specific Gravity (EO)

Peroxide Value (VO)

* VO = Vegetable Oil EO= Essential Oil

We’re internationally certified.


Pure and Natural.

Work with us to source pure, natural oils produced to the highest ethical standards.